
Showing posts from 2016

How Does She Do It?

Many people ask me how I handle family cases on a daily basis and am still sane enough to label it as one of my specialisations. Here is the secret to my sanity. Naturally, what I do is fraught with emotions, from start to finish. There is not a single case that I have dealt with that does not have an element of emotions involved. Learning how to deal with these " third-party emotions " is part of the tricks of our trade. Some attorneys do it well, others do not. Even Judges have been known to "descend into the arena" from time to time! It is not only third-party emotions that we need to manage; we also have emotional triggers within ourselves that find themselves erupting at inopportune or unnecessary times. But is it not true that every occupation has a certain element of emotion? How people react to stress, for example, exhibits emotions that other people are often tasked with managing. So how do they do it? I believe that the key to handling emot