What if...

A "workshop" which changed my life as an attorney and protagonist of peace...:

I published this blogpost on my personal blog as well but purely for this blog, I have included this interesting thought experiment:

What if all legal professionals were given a suggested way of thinking, which paradoxically ended up proving them wrong, but which also would lead to more productive, efficient, positive, and spiritual representation of people / communities / interests / groups?

Now, what if our judges, magistrates, court staff, and drafters of legislation were given a means to change their lives as well as the lives of all those people over whom their legislative means operates?

Is it so impossible to imagine a world where all legal professionals do not impose on the public their own beliefs / opinions / attitudes (which on their own are derived from their past experience)? This perpetuates the negativity that this world is trying to eradicate. This goes further: the legislators themselves perpetuate their own beliefs / opinions / attitudes when enacting law!

What if we have a society which acts only on consciousness and not on past experience of fear, anger, rejection, etc. Would it not also create a world worth raising our children in, and to soon expect them (as leaders) to perpetuate positivity?

Now THAT would be an "Ah-Ha!" moment...

Please read my blog on TURNING POINT to read further about this...


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