Good News for Maintenance Claims!
Heads up: in case you have not noticed, the Maintenance Act 1998 has undergone a magnificent revamp . At least someone has heard our cries! As of 9 September 2015 , the below amendments became law. It is not a complete makeover but it is at least a rather good start. Here is a brief summary of its benefits: A: INTERIM MAINTENANCE ORDERS The Maintenance Act currently makes no provision for interim Orders i.e. Maintenance Orders which are payable whilst the matter is still in Court and before final judgment is made by a Magistrate. This became a royal pain in the backside because often the primary caregivers fight tooth and nail to get Maintenance out of the other party. Now, even if that party chooses to put up a barricade of excuses as to why he / she / they cannot pay the requested Maintenance, at least your little ones will be looked after in between. Previously, under the repealed Act, interim Orders were permissible. For some unknown and bizarre reas...