An Introduction to My Perspective...

This site shares something of a new passion of mine. Human rights, in its entirety, is something that has both hindered & blossomed the world's growth. It has encouraged growth in personal autonomy, communal development, as well as strengthening the ends of justice. But it has also hindered growth by way of misinterpretation (and thus misapplication), and has been abused by perpetrators of justice. In this blog, I want to put a few things into a different, perhaps idealistic perspective, regarding human rights (HRs). My first attempt at doing this would be by highlighting the 2 most important reasons as to why we should be grateful to have them. IF it wasn't for HRs, we would not have many freedoms that are offered to us today. These include both Civil & Political rights (CPRs), as well as Economic, Social, & Cultural rights (ECSRs). A discussion on each will be given below. IF it wasn't for HRs, many of the conflicts experienced internal to specific coun...